How To Advertise On Reddit

In the bustling world of social media, where platforms are as diverse as the audiences they attract, Reddit stands out as a unique forum for the internet’s most dynamic and discussion-hungry communities. At its core, Reddit is a vast network of forums, or ‘subreddits,’ where users engage in various interests, discussions, and content sharing. But for the keen digital marketer, it’s more than a social media platform; it’s a goldmine of niche audiences and untapped potential. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about how to advertise on Reddit.

Whether you are a seasoned marketer, a small business owner, or an enthusiastic beginner, this post aims to demystify the process and empower you to run effective and successful ad campaigns on Reddit. We’ll delve into the intricacies of Reddit’s advertising platform, explore the different ad formats available, and provide valuable tips on targeting the right audience within Reddit’s vibrant communities. So, buckle up and get ready to unlock the advertising potential of this one-of-a-kind platform!

Understanding Reddit’s Ad Platform

Before you can carve out your advertising niche on Reddit, first learn the lay of the land. There are various types of ads available, each designed to blend in with the native content and foster meaningful engagement within the Reddit community. Ad formats include text-based ads, mobile ads, sponsored posts, and banners. However, the real strength of advertising on Reddit doesn’t lie in the variety of ad formats, but rather in the platform’s unique community targeting options. Redditors are drawn together by their passion for certain topics, and this zeal can be leveraged to position ads in front of engaged and relevant audiences.

Reddit offers sophisticated ad targeting tools, such as subreddit targeting, interest targeting, and user-specific targeting based on user history. To use these tools effectively, understand the demographics and interests of the subreddits you’re targeting, and ensure your ad messaging resonates with the community’s voice and values. Nothing will get a campaign downvoted faster than an ad that feels out of place.

What Marketers Need to Know About Reddit Advertising

Reddit advertising is not the same as social media advertising on platforms like Facebook and Instagram in terms of audience behavior and engagement. Users on Reddit are proactively looking for information, discussion, and sometimes, entertainment. This behavior creates unique challenges and opportunities for advertisers.

Here are a few key considerations for marketers looking to tap into Reddit:

  • Ad content must provide value, be informative, or genuinely entertaining to the community it targets.
  • Successful ads often include a call-to-action that encourages participation within the subreddit or sharing within the broader community.
  • Reddit’s community is vigilant for inauthentic content or blatant advertising, so ensure your ads fit the platform’s standards and guidelines.
  • User engagement with ads on Reddit is typically higher than on other social media platforms so be prepared for interaction and ensure you can respond quickly and effectively.

This means that the best approach to Reddit advertising is to foster a genuine connection between the advertised content and the targeted community, ensuring that interaction benefits both the user and the advertiser.

Set Up a Reddit Ads Account

To get started with Reddit advertising, you must create a Reddit Ads account. This is a simple process that requires you to provide basic information, set up a username, and decide on a display name that will represent your business or brand within Reddit’s ad space. Remember, consistency in branding across all channels, including Reddit, is key to maintaining a professional and recognizable presence.

After setting up the account, you will need to establish a payment method. Reddit accepts a variety of payment methods including credit cards and PayPal, making it accessible to an array of businesses and advertisers.

Plan Your Reddit Ad Campaign

Once your account is set up, it’s crucial to pause and plan your ad campaign strategically. Start with setting clear goals for your campaign. Are you looking to drive website traffic, increase brand awareness, or perhaps promote a specific product or service?

It’s also essential to establish who your target audience is going to be. Take into account the specific interests and potential behaviors of the subreddit communities you’re targeting. The golden rule of Reddit advertising is to be targeted and relevant, which requires a deep understanding of your intended audience.

Furthermore, decide on your budget. Unlike traditional advertising, on Reddit, you can start with a daily or lifetime campaign spend, so you’ll have full control over how much you’re willing to invest.

How to Create Your Reddit Ad Campaign

Creating your first Reddit ad campaign is a straightforward process, but it’s essential to approach it with thoughtfulness and care. Start by navigating to the Reddit Ads dashboard and clicking ‘Create Campaign.’

Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up your first Reddit ad campaign:

  1. Select your marketing objective: This can be to increase brand awareness, drive traffic, or encourage app or video views.
  2. Define your target audience: Use subreddit targeting to focus on the communities most relevant to your ad’s content. You can also combine this with interest targeting and select a geographic location where you want your ad to appear.
  3. Set your budget: Choose between a daily and lifetime budget. Lifetime budgets are spent over the duration you choose, while daily budgets aim to spend a certain amount each day.
  4. Choose your ad placement: You can select where you want your ad to appear – whether in desktop or mobile feeds, or both.
  5. Select your bid type: You can choose between a cost per click (CPC) or a cost per mille (CPM) model. Reddit’s ad auction system will help you determine a competitive bid for your campaign.
  6. Launch your ad: Once all these details are set, review your campaign, and when you’re ready, launch your ad.

Set Your Targeting, Budget, and Schedule

Setting the right targeting criteria is the crux of a successful Reddit ad campaign. Take the time to fine-tune your audience parameters, making use of the subreddit targeting options. You can add or exclude subreddits, which will significantly affect the relevance and engagement of your ads.

How To Advertise on reddit

Budgeting is also a crucial aspect of your campaign setup. You must decide how much you’re willing to spend and over what period. Additionally, consider your bid strategy. If you’re focusing on driving traffic, a CPC model might be more suitable. On the other hand, if your main goal is to create widespread visibility, a CPM model might make more sense.

Finally, consider the timing of your ad campaign. Reddit’s user base is global, so you may want to run tests at different times to see when you get the best engagement for your campaign.

Create Your Reddit Ad

With thorough planning and the right setup, it’s time to create your Reddit ad. Here’s a detailed look at the process:

  • Ad type: Choose from the available ad types, such as image or video ads, and link or text ads. Each format has its own best practices and guidelines.
  • Ad creative: This is the time to shine with high-quality content. Your ad’s headline and image should be eye-catching and relevant to the audience you’re targeting. Tailor your message to sound like an authentic part of the community, which can increase your ad’s effectiveness.
  • URL: This is where you can direct the Reddit users who click on your ad. Ensure it’s a relevant and optimized landing page for best results.
  • Call-to-action (CTA): A clear and compelling CTA encourages users to engage with your ad. Whether it’s a ‘Learn More,’ ‘Try Now,’ or a Reddit-specific action, make sure it aligns with your campaign’s goal.
  • Compliance: Reddit has community standards and ad policies that you must adhere to. Make sure your ad complies with all guidelines to avoid rejection or negative feedback from users.

Submit and Run Your Reddit Ad

Once your ad is created and ready to go, it’s time to submit it for review. This step might take a little waiting time as Reddit’s team ensures all ads comply with the site’s rules. Once approved, your ad will go live.

Throughout the duration of your campaign, monitor its performance closely. Look for signs of engagement, such as upvotes, comments, and click-through rates (CTRs). Use this data to optimize your campaign by adjusting your targeting, creative elements, or overall strategy as needed to maximize your ROI.

Benefits of Advertising on Reddit

Advertising on Reddit comes with a unique set of advantages that can make it a powerful addition to your digital marketing strategy:

  • Highly Engaged Audience: Reddit users are active and vocal about their interests, making it an ideal platform to drive meaningful interactions.
  • Niche Targeting: With thousands of subreddits, you can find a home for any product or service and place your message directly in front of the right users.
  • Influencer Collaboration: Some Reddit users have significant influence within their communities. Collaborating with them can give your ad campaign a significant boost.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to other social media ads, Reddit ads can be more affordable, especially for small businesses with tight marketing budgets.

 Tips for Maximizing Your Reddit Ad Performance

Creating a Reddit ad campaign is just the first step. To truly harness the power of Reddit advertising, consider the following tips:

  • Engage Authentically: Be an active member of the communities you’re targeting before launching your campaign. This will add credibility to your ads and help you understand community norms and interests.
  • Adapt to Feedback: If Reddit users provide feedback on your ad, take it into consideration. Use it to refine your ads and to show your willingness to engage on a personal level.
  • Test and Learn: Reddit ads are highly measurable. Use A/B testing to try different ad creatives and targeting options to see what works best for your brand.


Reddit advertising offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity to engage with a vast and varied audience. By understanding the platform’s unique culture and harnessing its sophisticated targeting capabilities, you can create ad campaigns that resonate deeply with users and yield impressive results. Remember that authenticity and community-focused content are at the heart of successful Reddit ads. Utilize the rich data and reporting tools at your disposal to refine your campaigns continuously. And above all, enjoy the process of connecting with one of the internet’s most vibrant communities.  Now, launch your ad and see the results for yourself!

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